It’s estimated that there are over 100 million active land mines in the world, or one for every 52 people. To me, and probably to most people, that is a terrifying fact indeed. I recently visited a land mine dig in Cambodia to learn more about these unexploded devices that continue to exist in soil across Asia and the world. The trip was a definite eye-opener for me, exposing how truly dangerous land mines are. My experience with The HALO Trust, who gave me my introduction to and tour of land mine clearance in Cambodia, was one for which I was truly grateful.

Of all the land mine clearance organizations in Cambodia, The HALO Trust is certainly one to be admired. An NGO registered in the UK, HALO has over 8,000 full-time staff in 13 countries. They have neutralized 1.4 million land mines and 52 million bullets, as well as 142,000 assault rifles. They’ve cleared over 8,000 land mine fields, which, if assembled together, would equal about 75,000 American football fields. HALO carries out its operations in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, the Horn of Africa, Southern Africa the Caucasus and the Balkans. They’re also committed to working in Afghanistan, at least until the year 2020. They are major players in the global land mine clearing scene.

5 mins reading time
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